ATIG DC series is digital DC TIG models with high end MCU technology, they are suitable for both automatic application and manual welding . They provides high performance DC TIG and stick welding for alloy fabrication, pipe welding and workshop maintenance. For high current model (>500A) , 100% duty cycle and can perform Carbon Arc Gouging feature.

Product Details & Specification
- Bicycle, Fitness Equipment, Stainless Furniture.
- Maintenance and Repair.
- Industry Plant Construction.
- Containers Manufacture.
- Shipbuilding.
- Pipeline Industry.
Base Metals
- Carbon Steel.
- Stainless Steel.
- Alloy Steel.
- 1 Power Source.
- 1 Connected Primary Cable.
- 1 Welding Cable L=3m.
- 1 Ground Cable L=3m.
- 1 Tig Torch.